All the characters are in place.
The Chi' is pissed and getting ready to smash and destroy. The D'bak chieftain wants more heads for his trophy room. Trakk just wants Arlo's head on his belt buckle.
Jake, Pixie and Sargent Major Grady are scrambling to figure out where Arlo and the other partners are trapped and put together a rescue mission to ???
Arlo, Tia and Squeaky are frantically trying to find a way off the planet. Will their make shift shuttle hold together long enough to rescue the partners? What happened to Cheto?
And what's up with Kandi, the android? Will she betray her master, Trakk? What could she do to help, anyway? Do androids dream of electric Q'ueep? (nobody will get that ;-)
All the cast for the final battle for the Lost Partners are girding up and ready to go!
It's time to boogie!