Thursday, June 11, 2015

Arlo and Jake Lost Partner has launched into Cyberspace!!

That's right, Buckaroos, the highly anticipated third book in the SciFi series 'Arlo and Jake' has left the launch pad and is rocketing into Cyber Space!

Our brave compadres have embarked on another spine-tingling adventure that's fraught with danger in every corner of the Galaxy.

They battle new EUAPs (evil ugly alien predators). What has three legs, three arms, and a tri-faceted face only it's mother could love and we're not sure about her?

There are more dazzling space battles with lasers, particle beams and kitchen sinks being thrown at high speed against overwhelming odds. Has the FTG Triumph met it's match? Why is Jake spinning like a top OUTSIDE the battleship?

Hmmm. Arlo meets the gorgeous eight-legged Tia. Does Arlo's outdated sense of chivalry keep him focused on the love of his life, Tizzy, or....

They encounter weird new AIs (Artificial Intelligence) that may or may not be sane. How can you tell with an AI? Can AIs have siblings? Who or what the heck is 'FrankenBot'?

There are hopeless conundrums, brave acts of daring-do, strange worlds where small partners must survive and as always lots of just plain FUN!

Join my heroes and their shipmates on the space battleship FTG Triumph as we dive into another adventure with 'Arlo and Jake Lost Partner'.

Amazon: Arlo and Jake Lost Partner
Barnes and Noble: Arlo and Jake Lost Partner